Get Fit Bharat

6 shlokas from the Bhagwad Gita that help deal with modern life challenges

In Chapter 2, Verse 71 of the Bhagwad Gita, the shloka says - ‘विहाय कामान्य: सर्वान्पुमांश्चरति नि:स्पृह:। निर्ममो निरहंकार: स शांतिमधिगच्छति॥’ In this Shloka, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that a man who gives up on material desires, abandons the chase of ‘more’, lives free from attachments, ego and possessiveness, is the man who attains peace. …

In Chapter 2, Verse 71 of the Bhagwad Gita, the shloka says – ‘विहाय कामान्य: सर्वान्पुमांश्चरति नि:स्पृह:। निर्ममो निरहंकार: स शांतिमधिगच्छति॥’ In this Shloka, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that a man who gives up on material desires, abandons the chase of ‘more’, lives free from attachments, ego and possessiveness, is the man who attains peace. And in the constant hustle of modern life where men and women chase one thing after another, the biggest challenge is being free and feeling peace with self. And so, when people let go of unnecessary desires and focus on their true selves, and their feelings within, it leads to inner peace which helps overcome fear and doubt.

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