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Yoga Poses for digestion: 6 yoga poses to practice every winter morning for improved digestion |

During winters we tend to become a little lazy which leads to a feeling of heaviness and sluggishness. But adding some specific yoga poses into the morning routine can warm up our body, boost circulation, and get our digestive system moving. Here are 6 yoga poses that can help make winter digestion smoother and more …

6 yoga poses to practice every winter morning for improved digestion

During winters we tend to become a little lazy which leads to a feeling of heaviness and sluggishness. But adding some specific yoga poses into the morning routine can warm up our body, boost circulation, and get our digestive system moving. Here are 6 yoga poses that can help make winter digestion smoother and more comfortable.

Cat-cow stretch (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)

This combination of two poses – Cat and Cow – is an excellent way to start our morning. The movement of our spine from a rounded to an arched position stretches our abdomen and massages our digestive organs, helping them wake up for the day. Plus, the gentle movement warms your core, which is perfect for those cold winter mornings. It helps promote spinal flexibility and improve circulation, this stretch supports digestion by relieving any gas and improving blood flow to the abdominal area, encouraging efficient digestion.

Wind-relieving pose

Wind-relieving pose (Pavanamuktasana)

The name says it all! Wind-relieving pose is especially helpful for easing gas and bloating, which are common digestive issues in winter when heavy or rich foods can cause discomfort. Gently pressing our knees to our chest can stimulate the abdominal organs, which helps to release trapped gas and helps in smoother digestion. The compression from this pose is like giving your intestines a gentle massage, helping to stimulate bowel movement and reduce any buildup of gas, which can be more frequent in colder months.

Seated forward bend (Paschimottanasana)

Paschimottanasana, or the Seated Forward Bend, stretches the entire back of your body while applying gentle pressure to the abdomen. This helps stimulate your digestive organs, which may be sluggish in winter due to reduced physical activity. It’s also a pose that encourages calmness and relaxation, perfect for winter mornings. The forward bend increases circulation to the abdomen, supporting the organs responsible for digestion.


Boat pose (Navasana)

In Boat Pose, we balance on our sitting bones and engage our core, which naturally warms up our body and activates our digestive muscles. This pose strengthens the core, which plays a big role in supporting your digestive organs, ensuring everything is in its proper place and working effectively. Stronger core muscles help keep digestion on track by aiding peristalsis, the movement of food through the digestive system.

Revolved chair pose (Parivrtta Utkatasana)

Revolved Chair Pose adds a gentle twist to your body, which is excellent for digestion. Twisting poses are known for their ability to “wring out” the abdominal organs, helping to stimulate them and encouraging detoxification. The Chair Pose also builds heat in the body, making it ideal for winter mornings. The twisting motion stimulates digestion by compressing and then releasing the abdominal organs.

Digestion Issues? Try These Easy Yoga Poses To Boost Your Gut

Downward-facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This popular yoga pose may seem simple, but it’s highly effective for digestion, especially in winter. Downward Dog stretches your entire body while allowing blood to flow to your abdominal organs, giving them an energizing boost. Holding this pose can help relieve tension, which is essential for a stress-free digestive process. Downward Dog encourages blood circulation to your core and releases any tension held in the belly area, aiding in better digestion.

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