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Effective Ways to Save Money on Your Utility Bills in Time For Winter

  As the colder months approach, it is crucial to take some steps now to reduce your energy consumption and lower your utility bills. By implementing a few simple strategies, you can significantly reduce your energy costs and contribute to a greener future.     Below, energy expert William Hobbs …


As the colder months approach, it is crucial to take some steps now to reduce your energy consumption and lower your utility bills. By implementing a few simple strategies, you can significantly reduce your energy costs and contribute to a greener future.


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Below, energy expert William Hobbs at explains a range of tips on how to save money on your utility bills in time for winter. Follow the steps below, and you can make your home greener while also reducing your energy bills.


Turn Down Your Thermostat


Turning down your thermostat is one of the easiest ways to reduce your energy usage. Every degree you reduce your thermostat by will cut your energy bills by around 4% for a typical home.


According to the World Health Organisation, 18 degrees is sufficient for healthy adults. These temperatures need to be slightly higher for very old people or children. If possible, consider making use of blankets or a thick jumper and turn the thermostat down. This could result in some considerable savings over the year.


It’s also recommended that you only turn your heating on as and when you need it. This means that you should avoid keeping your heating running throughout the entire day.


Prevent Draughts


When considering ways to reduce energy costs, it would be smart to walk around your home and feel around the windows and doors for any draughts. Think about using draught excluders in the rooms that you are using.


Good draught-proofing can help to cut your energy bills by around 2%. This also applies to your chimney, where you can get a further 1 – 2% reduction. Although draught-proofing involves an initial investment, you will quickly make this money back with the savings.


Reduce Your Shower Times


Cutting your shower times by just one minute can help you save hundreds on your energy bills. Plus, you could also save over £100 each year on your water bills if you have a water meter.


Consider purchasing a shower timer or setting the alarm on your phone. This can help you stay aware of your shower times. Some people even choose to turn the water off while they lather up and then turn it back on just for rinsing. This may sound quite extreme. However, it all adds up.


Be Conscious of Cleaning Your Clothes


When cleaning your clothes, it’s best to try to do fewer washes by filling up the washer every time. Avoid washing just a couple of bits you need for a night out.


Although the savings aren’t huge compared to some of the other tips listed, it all adds up. Modern machines could save around £25 – £30 per year. This number can be higher for older washing machines.


It’s also better to wash your clothes on a colder setting. If you choose to wash your clothes at 30 degrees, this could save you around £70 – £90 per year.


Don’t Leave Things on Standby


Switching your devices off completely is much better than leaving them on standby. When you leave devices on standby, this means that you’re using energy for something that you’re not even using. However, this isn’t as much of a problem as it used to be.


You can save roughly £40 – £60 annually by avoiding leaving your devices on standby. Since 2013, the law has stated that devices on standby can’t use more than 0.5 watts. If you have older appliances, you may find that they use a lot more energy when left in standby mode.


Use Thermostats For The Radiators


You don’t need to heat the whole house if you’re just spending time in one room. Thermostatic radiator valves are great because they allow you to set individual temperatures for each of the radiators in your home. When the temperature rises above the valve setting, the water will stop flowing through to that particular radiator. Your boiler will still be on to heat your other rooms. However, it will use a lot less energy.


Making use of thermostatic radiator valves along with your main thermostat can help you save around 5 – 6% of your energy usage. This does require an initial investment. However, the savings over the years mean you will quickly get a good return on the initial outlay.


Avoid The Tumble Dryer


Tumble dryers use a lot of energy. If you can avoid using the tumble dryer as much as possible, this can result in some significant energy savings. If you choose never to use a tumble dryer, you could save around £150 – £200 per year on your energy bills.


Consider drying your clothes on a washing line or on a clothes airer. If you do use a clothes airer, be sure to leave a window open as it can cause dampness in some properties where there is poor ventilation.


Use The Microwave Rather Than The Oven


An oven uses much more energy than a microwave. This is because a microwave only heats the food, whereas an oven will also heat the air around the food. With this in mind, if you can make use of your microwave instead of the oven, this can help you save some energy.


An example would be if you were cooking a baked potato – it would use around 25% less energy to cook a baked potato in the microwave than it would in the oven, so it’s clear to see how you can make some significant savings this way.


Insulate The Water Cylinder


If you have a hot water cylinder, it’s important to ensure that it is insulated. Otherwise, it will be losing heat. When the cylinder loses heat, the water will cool down much more quickly, and this means that you will be wasting money on your water heating bills as the system will have to heat the water again much more frequently.


Fitting a hot water cylinder jacket to your cylinder could help you to reduce heat loss by up to 75%. These jackets don’t tend to cost too much – usually around £15. It’s recommended that you choose one that is at least 80mm in thickness.


In most cases, you can fit this as a DIY job, as it’s simply a case of wrapping it around your hot water cylinder and then securing it with some string or something similar. If your cylinder is difficult to access or if you’re unsure, consult a professional.


Bleed Your Radiators


It’s a good idea to bleed your radiators regularly as this can prevent any air from being trapped inside them. Trapped air can result in cold spots on the radiators, and this can result in the system being much less efficient. You’ll need to use more energy to get sufficient heat out of the radiators.


If your radiators are taking more time to heat up than they should, if you hear gurgling sounds in the radiator, or if you can feel any cold patches, this is a sign that you should bleed your radiators.


Bleeding radiators is quite a simple process. However, you must ensure you know what you’re doing beforehand. If you feel unsure, you should contact a professional to complete it for you.


Final Thoughts


By implementing these simple yet effective strategies, you can significantly reduce your energy consumption and keep your utility bills under control this winter. Remember, even small adjustments can make a big difference. Embrace a greener lifestyle while saving money, making your home a comfortable and cost-effective haven during the colder months.





WILLIAM HOBBS: William Hobbs is an expert in sustainability and energy. Having previously worked as an electrician, William has expertise in the electric field. In recent years, William has moved on to sustainability and energy consultancy as well as providing his advice and expertise for MyJobQuote. William’s expert tips and comments have been featured in a range of leading press outlets. 


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